Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

We’re looking for the select few, motivated, driven Internal Auditors who want to SKYROCKET their careers now!

If that’s you, we’ll send you a special Promo Code for 50%OFF our Bootcamp for the next 48 hours.

Internal Audit Training Reviews
100% Bulletproof,
No Questions Asked,
Money Back Guarantee

12 Reasons Why You Can NOT Afford To Miss This Course

Become The Go-To Expert

Stuck feeling like just another face in the crowd? This course is your arsenal to break away from mediocrity. You’ll be transformed into the expert others rely on, not just in your company but across the industry. Say goodbye to obscurity & hello to becoming ndispensable.

Unlock Your Earning Potential

Feel like you're undervalued and underpaid? Enhance your skills with high-level strategies through this course and watch your worth skyrocket. You’re not just improving; you’re investing in becoming a more valuable asset, and that means a bigger paycheck.

Fast-Track Your Ascent

Tired of the glacial pace of career advancement? This isn't just a course; it's a career accelerator. Propel yourself to the top tier of your company or industry faster than you ever imagined. It’s about making rapid, visible strides in your career that others can't ignore.

Outrageous ROI That Beats Any Investment

Frustrated with investments that promise much and deliver little? Forget the mediocre returns from stocks or real estate. The skills and time savings you gain from this course will multiply your earnings potential, offering an ROI that’s hard to find anywhere else.

Earn The Respect You Deserve

Are you overlooked despite your hard work? This course equips you to command respect from your peers and superiors, securing a position of esteem within your organization. It’s about turning respect into a daily reality, not just a distant hope.

Tools That Keep Giving

Ever feel like your training goes in one ear and out the other? With rich learning materials like workbooks and real-world case studies, this course ensures you apply what you learn directly to your daily work, offering continuous improvement and real, measurable impacts.

Earn CPEs

Need to meet continuing education requirements but find most courses uninspiring? Upon completing this course, you'll earn 40 CPE credits that not only fulfill but exceed the Institute of Internal Audit's standards, boosting both compliance and competence.

Long-Term Satisfaction in Your Career

Worried about job satisfaction? This training ensures you don’t just enjoy your job more—you’ll look back on your career with pride and satisfaction, knowing you've achieved real, lasting success through skills that matter.

Learn on Your Terms

Struggling to fit training into your hectic schedule? With this course available online, you decide when and how you learn, making it easy to fit into even the busiest calendars without compromising on the quality of your education.

Be in Demand:

This course doesn’t just teach; it transforms you into a sought-after expert in the industry. When you unlock the secrets we present in this bootcamp, you’ll become the professional everyone needs on their team.

Beat Your Competition:

Whether you like it or not, you are competing with every other auditor in your company, and even in the industry. There are only so many excellent opportunities available and every internal auditor wants them. This bootcamp can make the difference. This is how to set yourself apart.

Use our App to Take the Course on Your Phone

Always on the move? Access the full power of this bootcamp right from your phone with our dedicated app, ensuring you can learn anytime, anywhere, right at your fingertips.

Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

Internal Audit Training Test Drive

Want To Get On The Fast-Track To Promotions, Increase Your Net Worth, And Work From All Over The World?

Would you like to be acknowledged as the Internal Auditing expert in your office, and not only receive the respect and admiration of your management and peers, but also your family and friends?
This is how you get there.
58 Video Lessons.
40 Hours CPE.
54 Workbooks including case studies, checklists, templates, and/or action plans to help ensure that you fully implement each lesson.

Dear Fellow Internal Auditor,

Most of us have taken Internal Audit Courses that claimed to be Advanced Internal Audit Training. And sure, they had some good content, but...well...
Here's One Example of a So-Called Advanced Internal Audit Training Course:

Here’s a description of an ‘advanced internal audit training’ course from one of the largest and most respected internal auditor training vendors:

“Learners will review audit program development and changes, risk assessments, setting priorities, managing expectations, delegation, managing staff performance and overall productivity, reviewing workpapers, incorporating fraud detection techniques in one’s audit programs, and stakeholder management. The focus is on managing the dynamics of an audit and applying project management principles to increase the effectiveness of the engagement.”

Some good content there.

Especially if you’re only a couple of years, or less, into your career. And I highly recommend that you excel in each one of the areas they describe.

But here’s the rub:

That content isn’t likely to show you how to implement specific tools, techniques, or strategies that can really make a difference in how you do your job and the results you get.

What if…

What if there was an advanced internal audit training course that was designed to provide you real value? By “real value” I mean a course that provides you with specific tools and techniques that could help you:

  • Be seen by your management and peers as the resident expert in your office.
  • Be spoken of as the rising star within your organization.
  • Earn performance rewards.
  • Get promoted.
  • Be sought out to train other auditors.
  • Gain the professional respect of your management and peers.
  • Be admired not only by your colleagues, but by your significant other,
    parents, and children.
  • Be in demand from other companies in the industry.
  • Increase your earning potential.
  • Maximize your career satisfaction.

If you fully implement the lessons in this course, every one of these items is within your reach.


What This Bootcamp Is

This Bootcamp is specific, detailed strategies for taking your auditing skills to the next level and thereby maximizing both your earning potential and career satisfaction.

This Bootcamp  is the field manual; the in-the-trenches guide to internal auditing.  It’s the ‘missing manual’ to all of the other textbooks you read and training classes you attended. This Bootcamp is a ‘street smarts’ version of internal auditing, as opposed to the ‘book smarts’ version. 

Nothing wrong with book smarts. You need that knowledge and those skills that you get from internal audit textbooks.

But you need more than theory. And you need more than the ‘by the book’ approach that most auditors are taught on the job, by ‘by the book’ auditors and managers.

This Bootcamp is not theory. This Bootcamp is actual tried and true techniques, practiced by me, and a select few other internal auditors, to achieve extraordinary results.


What's Included In This Bootcamp?

This course contains 58 specific lessons in video format, and 54 workbooks to be completed after each video lesson to help you fully implement each lesson.

The Workbooks include case studies, checklists, templates, and/or action plans.  It’s packed full of specific strategies, tools, and techniques.

There's a quiz and a completion certificate for 40 CPE hours.

Take a peek inside the course; get a FREE preview by clicking the button on the left.

We’re looking for the select few, motivated, driven Internal Auditors who want to
SKYROCKET their careers now!

If that’s you, we’ll send you a special Promo Code for 50%OFF our Bootcamp for the next 48 hours.

Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

Take the Bootcamp on our App

Did I mention that you can take our courses on your phone? Yep. We have apps for Android and IOS that allow you to take our courses where ever and when ever you feel like.

Internal Audit Training Smartphone

Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

On a jog. Check.

In your car? Check.

Standing in line for coffee? Check.

Anywhere and everywhere and anytime.

Take the Bootcamp on our App

Did I mention that you can take our courses on your phone? Yep. We have apps for Android and IOS that allow you to take our courses where ever and when ever you feel like.

On a jog. Check.

In your car? Check.

Standing in line for coffee? Check.

Anywhere and everywhere and anytime.

Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

What's The Investment?

This Bootcamp normally sells for $1,994.

But, for a limited time, you can take a free test drive and
get a promo code for 50% off!

What's Included In This Bootcamp?

This course contains 58 specific lessons in video format, and 54 workbooks to be completed after each video lesson to help you fully implement each lesson.

The Workbooks include case studies, checklists, templates, and/or action plans.  It’s packed full of specific strategies, tools, and techniques.

There's a quiz and a completion certificate for 40 CPE hours.

Take a peek inside the course; get a FREE preview by clicking the button on the left.

We’re looking for the select few, motivated, driven Internal Auditors who want to SKYROCKET their careers now!

If that’s you, we’ll send you a special Promo Code for 50%OFF our Bootcamp for the next 48 hours.

Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

What this Bootcamp is NOT

This Bootcamp is NOT basic training for internal auditors. I’m assuming that you already know how to audit.

I’m assuming that you had some sort of auditor training in college, you work in the internal auditing profession, you received some on-the-job training from your employer, received some outsourced training, and have some experience working on internal audits.

If you need more basic training, I recommend you study the crap out of a text such as Sawyer’s.

Then I recommend that you take our Basic Internal Auditing course that builds on what Sawyer teaches you. It takes what Sawyer gives you and combines that theory with actual on-the-job experiences and makes it more practical.

This Bootcamp is NOT for Everyone

This Bootcamp is for auditors who are open to thinking outside the box; who are looking for better ways of doing things, and who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo.

If you’re a by-the-book auditor who doesn’t much care about the developments in technology, in mindsets, and systems; if you feel safe in your current space, don’t want to rock the boat, or step outside your comfort zone, then some of the lessons in this course may:

  • curve your spine,
  • grow hair on the back of your hands,
  • and set your hair on fire.

If that’s you, then do yourself a favor and go take one of the conventional, advanced (which are actually rather basic) auditing courses like the one we quoted above.

Can't I Just Get the Same Information Somewhere Else?

Sorry, no.


This is highly custom content, based on decades of experience.


You won’t find it anywhere else.


But let’s say for the sake of argument…


Imagine that there was an internal auditor who was more of a maverick.

They tested the conventional way of doing things. Even within the confines of the by-the-book system, he/she figured out a few things. They learned how to hack processes and systems and developed their own methodologies that led them to awards, promotions, and amazing income and revenues. 

Internal Audit Training Student Woman

They would share them with you, right?


Of course not!  Why would they? 

Think about it. If they dared to tell anyone in a by-the-book office what they were doing – that they developed more efficient and effective methods for accomplishing the same tasks – their manager and co-workers would ridicule them, dismiss them, and/or try to make their life as difficult as possible.

They have no incentive to let anyone in on their secrets.

But do you know who does share their ‘secrets’?

Average or below average auditors who want to be noticed or want attention.  They are living, walking, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kreuger effect. Their so-called 'secrets' are nothing more than  regurgitated by-the-book, safe techniques from textbooks and generic training classes.

That's Why This Could Be The Most Valuable Course You’ve Even Taken In Terms Of Return On Investment.

It’s hard to put a price on the respect that you will have earned from your management and co-workers; or peace of mind; or confidence; or career satisfaction.

Imagine if you stacked that ROI by investing in some of our other courses: AI for Internal Auditors, Interviewing Techniques for Auditors, Career Management Guide for Auditors, and so on.

That could add up to an unbelievable ROI over the course of a year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30+ years.

If you picked up only one new strategy or technique that could save you, say, one hour per month, how valuable would that be?

Not much you think.

Well let’s do some math. That’s 12 hours per year and say 30 years in your career, from this point forward. If my math is right, that’s 360 hours over your career. If your value is a conservative $100 per hour, that’s $36,000 of value.  That’s about a 35X ROI, after your investment in this course.

But of course, that assumes a ridiculously low savings of one hour per month and a ridiculously low $100 per hour over a 30-year career. Over the next 30 years, you’ll likely exceed $200 per hour.

And the time saved? You could easily shave off a conservative 2 hours per month. 

What’s that new ROI?

How about an astonishing $144,000 in value or an ROI of about 143X after your investment in this course.

Try getting that return on your savings account – or one of the other generic courses

Internal Audit Training Male Student
Internal Audit Training Promo

So, Why Would I Offer It for 50% Off?

Two reasons:


First of all, I enjoy it. This type of thing is what I do best, and it makes me very, very happy to see someone achieve career success (and all that comes with it) as a result of the help I give them.


Second, I want to make it easy for you to try one of my courses, because I believe if you do, you will come back and buy more courses.


Fair enough?


And if you think about it, it really doesn't "cost" you anything.




Because I expect to that you will fully implement at least a few of these lessons, and your implementation will result in at least a modest improvement in your skillset, mindset, and career over the coming years. Take a look again at our ROI discussion. It won’t take much for you to double your investment.  Heck, just by reading this, you’ve probably already doubled your investment, just by how your mindset has already changed, in terms of thinking about better approaches to auditing.


And if you take more than one course from me, you can achieve truly remarkable career results.


And that’s not even including the intangibles like career satisfaction, enjoying what you do everything, and the respect that you will have earned from your management and your family.


Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules
Internal Audit Training Modules

Here’s what I want you to do next:

Hit the button, watch the course preview, then follow the steps to checkout.

Schedule time to go through the course. Not just any time, schedule time that you normally set aside for deep work, where you can concentrate deeply and won’t be disturbed.

At the end of the course, set aside one hour per week, where you take our spreadsheet of all of the lessons and schedule their practice and implementation.

(Oh, I didn’t mention the spreadsheet? Yeah, it’s a spreadsheet that list out each lesson in a Gantt-type format to help youremember and implement each lesson. You see, I don’t want you to simply take the class and forget the lessons next week; which will happen; it happens with almost all information we consume, unless we set up an implementation system).

Enjoy the rewards you’ll reap over the next year; and the next 5, 10, 20 and 30+ years.

Internal Audit Training Desktop

We’re looking for the select few, motivated, driven Internal Auditors who want to SKYROCKET their careers now!

If that’s you, we’ll send you a special Promo Code for 50%OFF our Bootcamp for the next 48 hours.


Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

Internal Audit Training Guarantee

Bottom Line

Anytime within 90 days from checkout, if you cannot honestly say you got your money's worth - get your money back no questions asked.


If after learning and implementing these skills for up to 90 days, if you don’t believe you received the skills, tools, and/or techniques that will result in at least double the value of the price of the course  in the coming years, in terms of one or more of the following: 

  • increasing your compensation,
  • increasing your chances of getting hired for a better position,
  • increasing your chances of getting promoted sooner,
  • increased career satisfaction,
  • more respect.
  • increased potential for more performance awards,
  • becoming recognized as a top auditor in your office,
  • increased potential for retiring earlier with more money,
  • increased confidence in moving from a hostile to a positive work environment,
  • getting more done in less time,
  • less stress,
  • more confidence,
  • improved interviewing skills,
  • improved knowledge/skills for getting jobs up and down,
  • improved skills for dealing with difficult audit managers, auditees, and co-workers,
  • improved planning, fieldwork, and reporting skills,
  • setting you up to lead and manage, or
  • other intangible value…

If You Honestly Don't Believe...

that you received the knowledge that will result in at least double the value of what you paid for the course, over the coming years, then simply send us your completed Lesson Implementation Tracker and your completed Workbooks, showing that you implemented all of the lessons over that period of time, and we’ll give you all of your money back. (Your Lesson Implementation Tracker is included in the course to help you implement every lesson. Workbooks are included after most lessons to help you fully implement each lesson/concept.)

So, take the course. Learn it. Play with it. Use it. Implement it. Enjoy the results.

And if after all of that, you still want your money back, you don’t have to fill out a form, you don’t need an access code, nobody’s going to ask you any questions. Just send us your completed Lesson Implementation Tracker and your completed Workbooks, and we’ll process your refund right away.

If you can’t say that you got that value, then we don’t deserve your money.

But here’s something you need to know.

In all of the time we’ve been doing this, no one has ever asked for their money back.  No one.

On the contrary, the vast majority who buy this course, go on to buy our other courses, subscribe to our newsletter, get on our waiting lists for upcoming courses, and so on. They do this because they understand and appreciate the value. And they want more.

Nevertheless, if after going through the course, you want your money back, no worries. You know what to do. There will be absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever on our part.

Internal Audit Training


By the way, take a look at any other Internal Audit course out there.  Go look at all the major providers. You won’t find any guarantee like this. In fact, I’d be surprised if any of them offered any guarantee. Go ahead. Go look.  || See what I mean?

Internal Audit Training


Due to the litigious nature of our society, we are required to provide the following disclaimer:  Everyone is different. Results vary. We cannot and do not guarantee that you’ll attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial, or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse, or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we’re not liable or responsible in any way for your results.

Internal Audit Training Modules


This guarantee is predicated on you actually doing the work. It’s not to make it difficult for you to get your money back, it’s to ensure you get the most out of our training. The auditors who get the best results, put in the work.


Internal Audit Training Desktop

We’re looking for the select few, motivated, driven Internal Auditors who want to SKYROCKET their careers now!

If that’s you, we’ll send you a special Promo Code for 50%OFF our Bootcamp for the next 48 hours.


Take A FREE Test Drive Now!

Bootcamp Description

For those of you who require a course description to get approval from your employer, you can download it here.

This course meets all IIA requirements for training and CPEs.

Download Course Description

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